all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 8RT 2 0 53.437231 -2.939378
L4 8RU 9 0 53.437426 -2.938857
L4 8RX 11 0 53.438111 -2.9397
L4 8RY 14 0 53.437812 -2.93888
L4 8RZ 14 0 53.438385 -2.939134
L4 8SA 41 0 53.439282 -2.947373
L4 8SB 29 1 53.437718 -2.941708
L4 8SE 55 1 53.439287 -2.948969
L4 8SF 1 1 53.438658 -2.946787
L4 8SG 41 5 53.437583 -2.942819
L4 8SH 29 0 53.441497 -2.94804
L4 8SJ 34 1 53.440571 -2.943503
L4 8SL 32 0 53.440893 -2.948207
L4 8SN 29 0 53.440037 -2.944018
L4 8SP 25 0 53.438303 -2.940427
L4 8SR 35 0 53.438245 -2.940952
L4 8SS 31 0 53.438428 -2.941754
L4 8ST 47 0 53.436955 -2.94276
L4 8SW 2 0 53.439377 -2.940796
L4 8SX 27 2 53.439026 -2.943378